What You Need to Know About DOT Audits

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), an agency of the Department of Transportation (DOT), oversees nearly 600,000 motor carriers and millions of commercial drivers across the U.S. The agency is responsible for ensuring carriers comply with regulations. DOT regulations cover driver qualifications, hours of service (HOS), vehicle maintenance requirements, drug and alcohol testing, cargo securement, accident reporting, and insurance requirements.

The FMCSA performs DOT audits to ensure regulatory compliance. Regulatory violations can result in fines, penalties, downgraded safety ratings, or even the suspension or revocation of a motor carrier’s operating authority.

Several factors may trigger a DOT audit, including a carrier’s high number of safety violations, complaints against a carrier, and a history of accidents. In addition, audits may be targeted to specific carriers or industries based on data analysis, or carriers might be randomly selected as part of the FMCSA’s enforcement efforts. Carriers that transport hazardous materials may also be targets of audits due to the increased risks associated with their shipments.

There are several types of audits: comprehensive, focused, on-site, off-site, new entrants, etc. Historically, the FMCSA has favored on-site and comprehensive reviews; however, off-site audits have become more popular. Off-site audits enable FMCSA investigators to analyze papers from their offices, saving time and money by eliminating the need to travel to and from a carrier’s terminal and instead rely on electronic document transfer. According to the National Transportation Association (NTA), “FMCSA offsite audits are up over 400% over the last couple of years, and they’re not slowing down.”

Documentation for a DOT Audit

A motor carrier has 48 hours to get ready once notified by the FMCSA of a DOT audit. The agency requires a motor carrier to provide the following documentation for the audit:

  • Proof of operating authority, such as a DOT or MC number, to confirm the carrier’s legal authorization
  • Insurance certificates for required coverage, including Truck Liability and Cargo insurance
  • Driver information, including license, medical certificate, driving record, and job history
  • Logs or electronic records that show drivers’ compliance with HOS regulations
  • Vehicle maintenance records, including routine inspections, maintenance, and repairs
  • Accident records for the motor carrier’s vehicles, including injuries and property damage details
  • The motor carrier’s safety policy, including drug and alcohol testing, driver training, and incident reporting

DOT safety ratings (also known as safety fitness determinations) represent a motor carrier’s compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations as of the date of the FMCSA audit that led to the rating. There are three possible ratings: satisfactory, conditional, and unsatisfactory. If an audit reveals significant noncompliance, the FMCSA will give the carrier an unsatisfactory rating, eventually leading to its closure.

Motor carriers must ensure compliance and keep all records up to date.

About Western Truck Insurance Services

Western Truck Insurance Services is an insurance brokerage specializing in commercial truck insurance. We know this stuff and want to make sure you do, too. Our clients appreciate our dedication to finding competitive rates and offering unparalleled service beyond excellent insurance options. They also value how our state-of-the-art automation provides lightning-fast truck insurance quotes, customer service, insurance certificates, and coverage changes. Contact us today at (800) 937-8785 to learn more.

How to Safely Load and Unload Truck Cargo to Prevent Injury

Transporting trucking loads comes with many risks. From highway accidents to lost or damaged goods, there are a number of unique liabilities that can present themselves at any moment during transportation. But what about before or between shipments, such as during loading and unloading freight from trucks?

Workers loading or unloading cargo are exposed to serious risk and danger when working on trucks. Heavy or awkward objects can present a problem and a hazard to the overall well-being of those who work on trucks, creating additional risks for working in the industry. But there are a number of ways in which these issues can be avoided to keep safety a top priority. Here are some tips to stay safe during loading and unloading cargo.

Understand Proper Lift and Load Techniques

It’s a good rule of thumb to brush up on lifting and loading techniques at regular intervals. Moving cargo is more than just picking up and putting down, and it pays to give employees a refresher on the right way to work with heavy objects. Using proper technique in the workplace can help to prevent and limit accidents and injuries, and keep liability low.

Companies should also invest in the right truck insurance that will help with protecting their reputation, finances, and overall business during times of liability claims. There are a number of truck insurance solutions that can help to keep businesses safe in the event of injury to employees and cargo with occupational insurance coverage as well as cargo insurance to supply the right coverage for both employees and cargo, respectively.

Be Aware of the Loading Zone

Employees working on loading and/or unloading trucks should be aware of their surroundings, first and foremost. If a truck is backing up, staff should move away from the loading zone as it is very hard for the driver to see behind them and could easily back into anyone in their way. Loaders and unloaders should wait until the truck has come to a full stop before getting into the work area.

Secure All Loads Properly

Before a load is pulled down, they should be checked to see if they are all secure. If they are not, it could lead to broken objects in the truck, creating a lot of safety hazards during unloading. Employees should make sure their loads are secure by using load bars, vertical support systems, and road straps.

Mind the Gaps

When loading and unloading occurs, it can be difficult to see exactly where it’s safe to step and move around. If there’s a gap or drop off point in any place, it’s more than likely to not be detected, creating a risk of falling and getting injured. All gaps need to be sought out and protected against before loading and unloading happens so all employees can work confidently and safely.

About Western Truck Insurance Services

Western Truck Insurance Services is a commercial truck insurance agency with roots dating back to 1954. We have evolved into a highly respected, professionally managed, truck and transportation insurance brokerage. The hallmark of our organization is our desire to provide unparalleled service. We go way beyond what you expect to receive from an insurance brokerage. Equipped with state of the art automation, Western Truck Insurance can provide you with lightning fast truck insurance quotes, customer service, Insurance certificates, and coverage changes.

When Does Motor Truck Cargo Insurance Apply?

The trucking freight industry is in the middle of a big change of pace and atmosphere with the move to be more tech-savvy. Plus, with big names like Amazon, Tesla, and Uber getting in on their own trucking industry endeavors, the industry is set for even more change and a tightened capacity.

But even with a major tech upheaval and a shift for companies to ship directly with their clients, the liabilities remain the same. Trillions of dollars’ worth of cargo hits the road every year and the company transporting the cargo is liable for any cargo damaged, lost or stolen. This can be a huge issue for trucking companies, which is why it’s even more important to have the right motor truck cargo insurance plan to protect the cargo and the assets.

What is Motor Truck Cargo Insurance?

Motor truck cargo insurance is a type of liability insurance that covers cargo up to a particular monetary limit the trucking professional determines when they buy a policy. On top of paying for the cost of any cargo that’s lost, stolen or damaged, some policies may also pay costs to remove any debris, like if any part of the load lands on the highway or roads.

While having general liability insurance is a must, motor truck cargo insurance is not required by the federal government, but shipping companies may make it a requirement.

Common and Contract Carriers

Common and contract carriers can carry this kind of motor truck cargo insurance, but it can be used differently for them. For common carriers, or a trucker who offers their services to anyone with cargo, without motor truck cargo insurance, they are liable for any damages except damage or loss when it’s a freak accident or act of God (i.e. tornado, damage due to fault of shipper). For contract carriers, or someone who only hauls for specific shippers, the conditions under which they are held liable must be specifically noted in the contract they have with the shipper.

Purchasing Coverage

Motor truck cargo insurance is a supplemental piece of trucking insurance that can end up being a little complicated. Policies may vary depending on average loads being hauled as well as the commodities on board. There may be exclusions for things like garments, electronics and liquor, as well as sub-limits, higher deductibles and limitations.

Limitations are the amounts that the insurance company will pay out in total for a policy. And there can be sub-limitations that set smaller and more specific amounts that will be paid out, such as limiting its responsibility to pay for certain items, such as high-theft items.

No matter what you’re considering covering, having adequate motor truck cargo insurance needs to be explained and laid out with the right policy insurance representative who can provide the right details.

About Western Truck Insurance Services

Western Truck Insurance Services is a commercial truck insurance agency with roots dating back to 1954. We have evolved into a highly respected, professionally managed, truck and transportation insurance brokerage. The hallmark of our organization is our desire to provide unparalleled service. We go way beyond what you expect to receive from an insurance brokerage. Equipped with state of the art automation, Western Truck Insurance can provide you with lightning fast truck insurance quotes, customer service, Insurance certificates and coverage changes.

When Do You Need Cargo Insurance?

Cargo ships and fleet vehicles have enough to worry about when it comes to logistics, but having to prepare for the unexpected is another layer of stress that needs to be kept at bay. Your goods need insurance, just like someone needs health insurance, so understanding the benefits of this coverage is important when transporting actual precious cargo.

Investing in cargo and liability insurance will provide a layer of protection and peace of mind when behind the wheel. This kind of insurance is needed to protect what’s being hauled and shipped from things like theft, damage and collisions. Not having insurance in place will put the cost of loss and damage on your company, adding up a huge unnecessary bill and eating away at your finances.

Here’s are some examples of why and when cargo insurance comes in handy:

Reduce Financial Loss

At the end of the day, the bottom line is an important measure for any transportation company. If you’re an exporter who hadn’t been paid yet when it comes to the goods at the time of shipment, or an importer who has paid for all the parts without receiving them, there’s a built-in risk of taking a financial hit if said goods are lost or damaged.

Contractual Requirement

A sales contract may obligate you to provide cargo insurance to protect interest of the buyer or their bank’s interest. Failing to do so cannot only set you up for major financial liability when it comes to lost or damaged goods, but non-compliance with your contract terms in mind. Overall, this can ultimately lead to loss of sales and legal issues that can break a company’s bank.

Coverage for Limited Carrier Liability

Carriers aren’t responsible for common causes of loss that happen while in transit (i.e. general average, natural disasters), by law. Even if a company is liable, carriers’ liability in the event of a loss is limited. In most cases, you will only recover pennies on the dollar from the carrier.

Having This Insurance Gives You More Control

One thing you need to have is some sort of control on your side, on your terms, so you are not taken advantage of, or just for the simple thing of making sure everything is above board. Relying on buyer’s or seller’s insurance may be an option, but you have to be happy with the fact that the insurance has been purchased and that the insuring terms, valuation, and limits provided by all parties are satisfactory to your needs.

About Western Truck Insurance Services

Western Truck Insurance Services is a commercial truck insurance agency with roots dating back to 1954. We have evolved into a highly respected, professionally managed, truck and \ transportation insurance brokerage. The hallmark of our organization is our desire to provide unparalleled service. We go way beyond what you expect to receive from an insurance brokerage. Equipped with state of the art automation, Western Truck Insurance can provide you with lightning fast truck insurance quotes, customer service, Insurance certificates and coverage changes.